Here is a list for all your product commissions in  percentage and cuts.

For Each Customer Account  Upgrade, You Get ———-N10,000 Commission 

Your Commission increases by the numbers of Account Upgrade your Customers Make. Example Below. 

You Got 10 Customers Upgrade  (N10,000 X 10 = N100,000 Commission)

MTN Data———————-N30 Per 1G

GLO Data———————–N30 Per 1G

AIRTEL Data——————-N30 Per 1G

9MOBILE Data—————N25 Per 1.5G

Your Commission increases by the numbers of bundle your customers purchases. Example Below. 

Customer Purchases 10G of MTN Data (N30 X 10 = N300 Commission)

Airtime——————-1% Commission Per Every Recharge.

PayBills——————N50 Per Any  Decoder Subscription.

For Customer to start printing recharge cards, they must Upgrade their  Account, that means You Get ———-N10,000 Commission 

Your Commission increases by the numbers of Account Upgrade your Customers Make. Example Below. 

You Got 10 Customers Upgrade  (N10,000 X 10 = N100,000) 

You will also earn 0,00207253886% Commission from each packs your customers prints.

Each products has their affiliate commission tag to them.

For either Buying or selling———————-You earn N3 Per each Dollars ($) each time your customer transact.

Example below:

Customer Purchases $2540 worth of BTC or any coin (3 X 2540 = N7620 Commission)

For each Video Voiceover ———————-You earn 30% commission  per each time your customer transact.

This also include the rest services listed in the categories over there.

For each Graphics Design ———————-You earn 30% commission  per each time your customer transact.

This also include the rest services listed in the categories over there.

For each CAC Registration ———————-You earn 10% commission  per each time your customer transact.

This also include the rest services listed in the categories over there.