Recharge Card Printing Business in Nigeria: A Reliable and Lucrative Venture


The Great Long-Age Search for a Reliable Recharge Card Printing Source

For many Nigerians, finding a trustworthy recharge card printing source has been a daunting task. Countless individuals have attended seminars and purchased various machines in search of a reliable solution, only to fall victim to scammers and dishonest dealers. The internet is flooded with websites posing as dealers and sub-dealers, adding to the confusion. Unfortunately, many of these sources are not even connected to network providers, making their claims false.


The Real Truth Behind How Recharge Printing is Really Done
In the world of mobile communication, recharge cards have become a vital means of staying connected. These cards, made of paper, hold the power to recharge our phones and keep us connected to the digital world. However, the process of recharge printing is often shrouded in mystery.


The Role of Network Providers
At the core of this process are the network providers themselves. They create e-pins, which are the secret codes found on recharge cards that unlock mobile credit. These e-pins come in various denominations and are essential for the entire recharge card system to function.

The Distribution Chain
To ensure widespread availability, network providers distribute these e-pins to a select group of individuals and entities involved in the distribution chain. These stakeholders play a crucial role in making recharge cards accessible to consumers.

1. Dealers: These select few don’t print recharge cards themselves; instead, they assemble e-pins from different network providers and sell them in their virtual state. This stage requires significant capital and certain permits.

2. Sub-dealers: Purchasing directly from dealers, sub-dealers acquire e-pins in large quantities and then sell them to wholesalers/distributors after adding their commission.

3. Wholesalers/Distributors: At this level, e-pins are purchased from sub-dealers and are printed. Wholesalers then supply these printed recharge cards to retailers across Nigeria.

4. Retailers: They are the familiar faces found in shops and streets across Nigeria, selling recharge cards to the final consumers.


Market Analysis

The recharge card industry in Nigeria presents enormous growth potential. With millions of mobile phone users and daily telecommunication expenses, the demand for recharge cards is constant and widespread. Understanding the vast market opportunity and consumer habits is essential for anyone venturing into this business.


Items You Will Need for Recharge Card Printing Business with Deluxeintricate

To start your recharge card printing journey with Deluxeintricate, you will need the following:

  • License from a Sub-dealer: Deluxeintricate simplifies the licensing process, allowing you to start with a low capital of 1000 naira. By upgrading to an affiliate account, you gain access to direct printing from the website and the opportunity to earn commissions from your referrals.

  • Laptop/Phone: Deluxeintricate website is designed to be accessible and user-friendly, allowing users to print recharge cards directly without the need for special software. The website seems to be compatible with both laptops and smartphones. Users can use their phones with a printer that supports wireless connection features, such as the HP DeskJet 2700 series, to print the recharge card e-pins.

  • Paper: Use standard A4 size paper for clear and professional recharge card prints. Avoid using POS or receipt papers for best results. The real recharge cards are printed on A4 paper, not those POS or receipt papers as many people claim. The reason is for cost purposes and large quantity purposes.

  • Printer: Users can use any printer that allows ink or toner to print. They don’t need those small receipt printers or POS printers or any special printing machine before starting. To do this, since it requires standard paper.

  • Capital:
    With a minimum of 1000 naira, Deluxeintricate allows you to start printing and enter the market.




  1. A4 Paper Ream
  2. Golden Crown Ink
  3. Labeling
  4. Fuel 


One ream of A4 paper (500 sheets)
Refilling ink by Golden Crown 
customizing back cover 
2 liters of fuel if no light




To print the recharge card back cover, you will be using an impression printing press method so that you can print at a cheaper cost. The back cover helps your customers identify each denomination and the amount of different cards.

The materials cost for the impression process is as follows (including the process and estimated cost):

– Plate: N800 (this can be used multiple times)
– Printed paper: N100 (used as a sample or skeleton)


However, you can also print the customized back covers yourselves using your own colored printer, if the cost is not too high.


Formula: (Expenses – Profit)

Expenses (N3000 + N1000 + N900 + N1000) = N5900 
divide by 500 sheet of the A4 Paper =11.8 approximately N12  per one sheet of paper)

Normally Your Profit is N15 per a pack

if you will be printing 8packs of recharge card in an one A4 paper, it will be (N12 EXPENSES  divide by 8PACKS) = N1.50k

N1.50k is the expenses per a pack 

(N15 profit  per a per – 1.50k expenses) = N13.50k profit pack a pack.

If you are printing 

MTN 100—————— 50packs (50 X N13.50K) = N675 profits

MTN 200—————— 50packs(50 X N27) = N1350 profits

MTN 500—————— 50packs(50 X N67.5) = N3375 profits

MTN 1000—————— 10packs(10 X N27) = N1350 profits

total N6750 profits

if you do the same for the rest network!

GLO N6750 profits + AITEL N6750 profits +MTN N6750 profits + 9MOBILE N6750 profits = N27,000 profit

if you can sell those recharge cards in every 2days interval, ( N27,000 profit X 15 TIMES A MONTH)  = N405,000 profits monthly using just small capital to start.

How to start ?

You will need to upgrade from an ordinary user account to an affiliate marketer to be eligible/ licensed to print recharge cards.

Upgrade Fee:N30,000


Your Upgrade Cover’s

  • 1 year affiliate account. which will document and give you access to recharge card print and others.

  • Access to a unique affiliate link for your customers. with this method, you will earn from every packs that your customers print

  • Access to the 9 figure implementation program. which will teach you how to affiliate recharge card properly and other products. 

  • Eligible to affiliate  other forms of products available in deluxeintricate.


    Starting a recharge card printing business can be a lucrative venture, but it’s crucial to find a reliable source like Deluxeintricate to avoid scams and dishonest dealers. By understanding the distribution chain and market dynamics, entrepreneurs can tap into the vast potential of the recharge card industry in Nigeria. Remember to do thorough research, acquire the necessary licenses, and invest wisely in the right equipment to succeed in this business